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《中国造纸学报》编辑部  2019,34(3):1-5
张燕洁,黄 进,马小舟*
《中国造纸学报》编辑部  2019,34(3):6-12
宁登文,成雅楠,符昌铭,陈 柳,黄 海,曹石林,黄 方*,倪永浩
《中国造纸学报》编辑部  2019,34(3):13-17
张雨晴,王玺傲,王 兴,李 尧,周景辉*
《中国造纸学报》编辑部  2019,34(3):18-23
翟 睿,王慧丽,胡志军,张学金,赵会芳,周小凡
《中国造纸学报》编辑部  2019,34(3):24-30
万月亮,孟祥美,冯 琨,孔话峥,刘廷志*
《中国造纸学报》编辑部  2019,34(3):31-37
张晓雪,王 晨,沈 军,张 辉*
《中国造纸学报》编辑部  2019,34(3):38-42
刘耀瑶,杨 浩,熊智新*,梁 龙,房桂干
《中国造纸学报》编辑部  2019,34(3):43-49
《中国造纸学报》编辑部  2019,34(3):50-53
王思琦,周 强,田杏芝
《中国造纸学报》编辑部  2019,34(3):54-60
罗嘉倩,苏艳群*,刘金刚,李 群
《中国造纸学报》编辑部  2019,34(3):61-70
张 萌,冀嘉钰,樊 丽,刘鹏涛*
《中国造纸学报》编辑部  2019,34(3):71-76
《中国造纸学报》编辑部  2019,34(3):77-81

CHEN Qiuyan, MA Xiaojuan, HUANG Liulian*, CAO Shilin and MIAO Qingxian
采用太古油(TRO)、聚氧乙烯蓖麻油(PCO)、聚醚多元醇(PP)3种表面活性剂对竹溶解浆原料进行处理,以改善竹溶解浆的反应性能;考察了不同表面活性剂及其用量对竹溶解浆Fock反应性能及黏胶过滤性能的影响,得到竹溶解浆反应性能改善效果最佳的表面活性剂及其优化用量,并研究了Fock反应性能与黏胶过滤性能的关系;分析及比较了上述3种表面活性剂在最优条件下对竹溶解浆的孔隙结构及比表面积、碱液的表面张力、黏胶流变行为的影响,揭示了表面活性剂改善竹溶解浆反应性能的机理。结果表明,TRO对竹溶解浆反应性能的改善效果最优,最佳用量为1.5%,此时,Fock反应性能及黏胶过滤值分别为81.7%和96.9 s,且当Fock反应性能超过77%时,所得的黏胶均能够达到过滤要求;TRO对竹溶解浆比表面积及孔隙结构的改善效果最好,并显著降低碱液的表面张力和提高黏胶的表观黏度,这与竹溶解浆反应性能的改善一致。
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ZHANG Yanjie, HUANG Jin and MA Xiaozhou*
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NING Dengwen, CHENG Yanan, FU Changming, CHEN Liu, HUANG Hai, CAO Shilin, HUANG Fang* and NI Yonghao
为进一步探讨镁盐作为纤维素保护剂的作用机制,研究了纸浆氧脱木素过程中添加不同粒径(20、50、100、200、500 nm)的Mg(OH)2对添加多种过渡金属离子(Cu2+、Mn2+和Fe3+)的辐射松硫酸盐浆氧脱木素的影响,通过测定氧脱木素后纸浆卡伯值和黏度,分析不同粒径Mg(OH)2对纤维素的保护效果。研究结果表明,在纸浆氧脱木素过程中,不同粒径的Mg(OH)2对纸浆卡伯值、木素脱除率没有显著影响;但小粒径的Mg(OH)2对纸浆黏度的保护能力要优于大粒径的Mg(OH)2。氧脱木素中添加Mg(OH)2粒径越小,纸浆黏度降低越少,手抄片物理强度越大。
[摘要] [PDF]

ZHANG Yuqing, WANG Xiao, WANG Xing, LI Yao and ZHOU Jinghui*
[摘要] [PDF]

ZHAI Rui*, WANG Huili, HU Zhijun, ZHANG Xuejin, ZHAO Huifang and Zhou Xiaofan
在低温及中高浓度条件下,利用氢氧化钠硫脲水溶液浸渍处理由漂白硫酸盐慈竹浆抄造的纸张,经冷冻及洗涤后制备湿强纸,通过单因素实验探究碱浓、浸渍时间、冷冻温度、冷冻时间和洗涤时间等因素对纸张强度性能的影响,并利用傅里叶变换红外光谱仪、X射线衍射仪、热重分析仪、核磁共振波谱仪和扫描电子显微镜表征处理前后纸张性能的变化情况。结果表明,在碱浓7%、浸渍时间3 s、冷冻温度-7℃、冷冻时间15 min、洗涤时间15 min的处理条件下,制得的湿强纸强度性能最好。与处理前原纸相比,在该条件下处理后纸张的干抗张指数提高了66%,干耐破指数提高了183%,湿抗张指数提高了321%,湿耐破指数提高了980%;同时处理后纸张中单根纤维的含量显著降低,且处理前后纸张纤维的官能团结构、无定形区和结晶区结构、热力学性能以及碳骨架结构均没有明显变化。
[摘要] [PDF]

WAN Yueliang, MENG Xiangmei, FENG Kun, KONG Huazheng and LIU Tingzhi*
以Cr(Ⅵ)离子吸附效果为目标,对磷酸活化法制备的脱墨污泥活性炭进行改性。通过改性效果对比,确定了HNO3改性方法,并对其改性工艺进行了优化。得到最佳改性条件为:10 mol/L的HNO3作为改性剂、炭酸比1∶15(m∶V)、改性2.0 h。改性后活性炭用于废水吸附以去除Cr(Ⅵ)离子,在改性活性炭用量为5.00 g/L时,Cr(Ⅵ)离子的去除率和吸附量分别达到83.9%和25.17 mg/g,与未改性活性炭相比,吸附量提高了140.3%。改性活性炭的碘吸附值和亚甲基蓝吸附值分别达到543.92 mg/g和103.5 mg/g,碘吸附值提高了28.9%,而亚甲基蓝吸附值略有降低。N2吸附脱附表明,与未改性活性炭相比,HNO3改性活性炭比表面积从715.576 m2/g增至1020.161 m2/g,增大了42.6%;总孔容由0.353 cm3/g增长到0.608 cm3/g,提高了72.4%;中孔孔容由0.344 cm3/g增长到0.393 cm3/g,增长了14.2%。结果表明,HNO3改性可大幅提升脱墨污泥活性炭对Cr(Ⅵ)离子吸附性能。
[摘要] [PDF]

ZHANG Xiaoxue, WANG Chen, SHEN Jun and ZHANG Hui
[摘要] [PDF]

LIU Yaoyao, YANG Hao, XIONG Zhixin*, LIANG Long and FANG Guigan
[摘要] [PDF]

CHEN Xiaobin*, WANG Yuhang, HE Yaohui, DONG Yunyuan, ZHENG Qifu, LI Jigeng and LIU Huanbin
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WANG Siqi*, ZHOU Qiang and TIAN Xingzhi
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LUO Jiaqian, SU Yanqun*, LIU Jingang and LI Qun
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ZHANG Meng, JI Jiayu, FAN Li and LIU Pengtao*
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CHEN Liqing
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Improving the Reactivity of Bamboo Dissolving Pulp for Viscose Rayon Production by Surfactant Treatment
CHEN Qiuyan, MA Xiaojuan, HUANG Liulian*, CAO Shilin and MIAO Qingxian
Study on Preparation and Properties of Multi-carboxyl Cellulose Nanocrystal
ZHANG Yanjie, HUANG Jin and MA Xiaozhou*
Effect of the Particle Size of Mg(OH)2 on the Oxygen Delignification of Radiata Pine Kraft Pulp
NING Dengwen, CHENG Yanan, FU Changming, CHEN Liu, HUANG Hai, CAO Shilin, HUANG Fang* and NI Yonghao
Preparation and Characterization of Lignin-based Superhydrophobic Coatings
ZHANG Yuqing, WANG Xiao, WANG Xing, LI Yao and ZHOU Jinghui*
Preparation of Wet-strength Paper Based on the Jellification of Alkali-urea System
ZHAI Rui*, WANG Huili, HU Zhijun, ZHANG Xuejin, ZHAO Huifang and Zhou Xiaofan
Research on Modification of Activated Carbon from Deinking Sludge
WAN Yueliang, MENG Xiangmei, FENG Kun, KONG Huazheng and LIU Tingzhi*
Influence of the Pulp Consistency and Addition of Retention and Drainage Aids on the Yield Stress of Eucalyptus Pulp Fiber Suspension
ZHANG Xiaoxue, WANG Chen, SHEN Jun and ZHANG Hui
Study on Near-infrared Calibration Model Transfer for Lignin Content in Pulpwood
LIU Yaoyao, YANG Hao, XIONG Zhixin*, LIANG Long and FANG Guigan
Experimental Study on Influence Factors of Paper Drying Characteristic Curve
CHEN Xiaobin*, WANG Yuhang, HE Yaohui, DONG Yunyuan, ZHENG Qifu, LI Jigeng and LIU Huanbin
Research on Re-extraction Algorithm of Paper Defect Characteristics Based on PCA
WANG Siqi*, ZHOU Qiang and TIAN Xingzhi
Oxygen and Water Vapor Barrier Properties of Nanocellulose Materials: A Review
LUO Jiaqian, SU Yanqun*, LIU Jingang and LI Qun
Research Progress in Preparation and Application of Poly(lactic acid)-Nanocellulose Composite Films
ZHANG Meng, JI Jiayu, FAN Li and LIU Pengtao*
The Combination of Biorefinery with Pulp and Paper Industry
CHEN Liqing

Improving the Reactivity of Bamboo Dissolving Pulp for Viscose Rayon Production by Surfactant Treatment
CHEN Qiuyan, MA Xiaojuan, HUANG Liulian*, CAO Shilin and MIAO Qingxian
Three kinds of surfactants including Turkey Red Oil (TRO), Polyoxyethylene Castor Oil (PCO) and Polyether Polyol (PP) were used for improving the reactivity of bamboo dissolving pulp. The effects of different surfactants and their dosages on the Fock reactivity and viscose filterability/reactivity of bamboo dissolving pulp were investigated. The best surfactant and its optimized dosage were obtained, and the relationship between Fock reactivity and viscose filterability was also studied. Under the optimum conditions, by analyzing and comparing the effects of the above three kinds of surfactants on pore structure, specific surface area of the pulp, surface tension of lye and rheological behavior of viscose, the mechanism of reactivity improvement of surfactant treatment was revealed. The results showed that TRO had the best effect on improving the reactivity of the bamboo dissolving pulp. The optimum dosage of TRO was 1.5%. Under this condition, the Fock reactivity and the viscose filterability were 81.7% and 96.9 s, respectively. When the Fock reactivity of bamboo dissolving pulp exceeded 77%, the obtained viscose could meet the filterability requirements. TRO had the best effect on improving the specific surface area and pore structure of bamboo dissolving pulp, and significantly reduced the surface tension of lye and increased the apparent viscosity of the viscose, which was accorded with the improvement of the reactivity of the bamboo dissolving pulp.
[Abstract] [PDF]

Study on Preparation and Properties of Multi-carboxyl Cellulose Nanocrystal
ZHANG Yanjie, HUANG Jin and MA Xiaozhou*
Multi-carboxyl cellulose nanocrystal (ECNC) with controllable carboxyl content and substitution degree of hydroxyl was obtained by EDTAD-esterification. The results were optimized by changing the esterification conditions. FT-IR, TEM, conductimetric titration, XRD, elemental analysis and Zeta potential test were used to characterize the property of ECNC. It was found that the morphology and the integra-lity of crystal structure of cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) were maintained during EDTAD-esterification, and the dispersity of CNC in water and PBS buffer could also be improved. At the same time, the surface carboxyl content of ECNC and substitution degree of hydroxyl could be controlled by changing the esterification conditions. It was believed that ECNC could be used in the fabrication of high-efficiency nanocomposite polymers and particles.
[Abstract] [PDF]

Effect of the Particle Size of Mg(OH)2 on the Oxygen Delignification of Radiata Pine Kraft Pulp
NING Dengwen, CHENG Yanan, FU Changming, CHEN Liu, HUANG Hai, CAO Shilin, HUANG Fang* and NI Yonghao
To further explore the mechanism of magnesium salt as a cellulose protectant in oxygen delignification, different particle sizes (20, 50, 100, 200, 500 nm) of Mg(OH)2 were added in the oxygen delignification system, various transition metal ions (Cu2+, Mn2+ and Fe3+) were introduced into the pulp before the addition of magnesium salts. The effects of Mg(OH)2 on the pulp viscosity and Kappa numbers were studied. The results showed that Mg(OH)2 with different particle sizes had no significant effects on Kappa number and lignin removal rate during oxygen delignification. However, the smaller particle size of Mg(OH)2 had superior pulp viscosity protection ability than the bigger particle size. The smaller particle size of Mg(OH)2 was added in oxygen delignification, the pulp had lower viscosity reduction and greater handsheet physical strength.
[Abstract] [PDF]

Preparation and Characterization of Lignin-based Superhydrophobic Coatings
ZHANG Yuqing, WANG Xiao, WANG Xing, LI Yao and ZHOU Jinghui*
In this paper, cellulose ethanol residue lignin was selected as the substrate for preparation of superhydrophobic coatings, and the lignin surface was hydrophobically modified by oleoyl chloride, then the obtained oleic acid modified lignin was dissolved and sprayed on the substrate surface to obtain the lignin-based superhydrophobic coatings. The lignin-based superhydrophobic coatings were characterized by infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, contact angle test. The results showed that the surface morphology of the lignin-based superhydrophobic coatings was similar to that of lotus leaf, and it was composed of grape stringlike micro-nanostructure. Lignin-based superhydrophobic coatings showed good acid/alkali resistance in acid/alkali corrosion test. The contact angle of lignin-based superhydrophobic coa-tings was always stable at about 153 degrees in acid or alkaline solution. At the same time, the coatings had good anti-adhesion ability for liquid foods with different viscosities. The residue of honey in lignin-based superhydrophobic coated PP cup decreased by 93.5%, compared to that in noncoated PP cup. Therefore, the lignin-based superhydrophobic coatings could effectively prevent the residue of liquid food and reduce waste when applying on the inner wall of the food packaging containers.
[Abstract] [PDF]

Preparation of Wet-strength Paper Based on the Jellification of Alkali-urea System
ZHAI Rui*, WANG Huili, HU Zhijun, ZHANG Xuejin, ZHAO Huifang and Zhou Xiaofan
In this work, the paper made from bleached bamboo (Sinocalamus affinis) kraft pulp was soaked in the NaOHurea aqueous solution, and then freezing and washing processes were applied to prepare wetstrength paper. The effects of alkali concentration, soaking time, freezing temperature, freezing time, and washing time were evaluated by singlefactor experiments. The analyses of FTIR, XRD, TGA, NMR and SEM were applied to reveal the variations of the microproperties of the untreated and treated papers. The optimal preparation conditions were determined as the follows: alkali concentration of 7%, soaking time of 3 s, freezing temperature of -7℃, freezing time of 15 min, and washing time of 15 min. Compared with untreated paper, under the optimal conditions, the dry tensile index of the treated paper increased by 66%, the dry burst index increased by 183%, the wet tensile index increased by 320%, and the wet burst index increased by 980%. There were no significant variations of functional groups and the structures of amorphous or crystalline regions, however, the amount of individual fibers in the treated paper decreased significantly.
[Abstract] [PDF]

Research on Modification of Activated Carbon from Deinking Sludge
WAN Yueliang, MENG Xiangmei, FENG Kun, KONG Huazheng and LIU Tingzhi*
The activated carbon prepared from deinking sludge was modified and applied to the adsorption of Cr(VI)ion, the optimal modification conditions were determined as follows: modifier was 10 mol/L HNO3, 1∶15 (m∶V), modification time 2.0 h. The modified activated carbon was used to remove Cr(VI) ion from waste water. When the amount of modified activated carbon was 5 g/L, the removal rate and adsorption capacity of Cr(VI)ion were 83.9% and 25.17 mg/g, respectively, and the adsorption capacity increased by 140.3% compared with that of unmodified activated carbon, the iodine adsorption value and methylene blue adsorption value of the activated carbon were 543.92 mg/g and 103.5 mg/g respectively, the iodine adsorption capacity increased by 28.9%. The specific surface area of activated carbon was 1020.161 m2/g, increased by 42.6%, the total pore volume was about 0.608 cm3/g, increased by 72.4% and the mesopore volume was about 0.393 cm3/g, increased by 14.2%, based on the calculation by the N2 adsorption-desorption experiment.
[Abstract] [PDF]

Influence of the Pulp Consistency and Addition of Retention and Drainage Aids on the Yield Stress of Eucalyptus Pulp Fiber Suspension
ZHANG Xiaoxue, WANG Chen, SHEN Jun and ZHANG Hui
The yield stress (τy) of pulp fiber suspension is a key rheological parameter. The influence of consistency (Cm) of eucalyptus bleached kraft pulp, the amounts of addition of CPAM or cationic starch on τy of the eucalyptus pulp fiber suspension was studied. The results showed that, , in the steadystate shear condition, the τy of eucalyptus pulp fiber suspension increased rapidly with the increase of Cm, their relationship was accorded with the exponential relation τy=aCbm(a=3.20, b=2.62). After adding CPAM or cationic starch to eucalyptus pulp fiber suspension, the exponential relation was still satisfied, but the values of a and b changed. After adding CPAM, a would decrease, and b would go up. After adding cationic starch, both a and b floated up and down on the original basis. For eucalyptus pulp fiber suspension with certain Cm, the τy would first increase then decrease with the increase of CPAM addition, but the τy was still stronger than the τy of blank pulp fiber suspension. The τy of eucalyptus pulp fiber suspensions increased by up to 30% when Cm was 4.0% and the CPAM addition amount was about 0.6%. With the addition of cationic starch, the τy of eucalyptus pulp fiber suspension increased first then decreased. When the amount of cationic starch was about 2.5% and Cm was 4.0%, the τy of eucalyptus pulp fiber suspension decreased by 25.4%.
[Abstract] [PDF]

Study on Near-infrared Calibration Model Transfer for Lignin Content in Pulpwood
LIU Yaoyao, YANG Hao, XIONG Zhixin*, LIANG Long and FANG Guigan
The near-infrared calibration model transfer for lignin content in pulpwood was investigated between two portable near-infrared spectrometers. An optimal calibration model of master was established by partial least square (PLS) after the selection of representative infrared spectroscopy data net samples, preprocessing and eliminating outlier samples. The nearinfrared spectroscopy calibration model was transferred between master and slave by the algorithms of slope/bias (S/B), direct standardization (DS) and canonical correlation analysis (CCA), respectively, and the prediction results were compared. The results indicated that the models transferred by DS and CCA improved the prediction accuracy significantly comparing to the algorithm of S/B with a poor performance. The coefficient of determination (R2), root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) and ratio of performance to standard deviate (RPD) by DS were 0.9643, 1.0370%, 5.3513, and by CCA were 0.9540, 1.1766%, 4.7711, respectively. Therefore, both DS and CCA algorithms could achieve the calibration model transfer between the two portable near-infrared spectrometers.
[Abstract] [PDF]

Experimental Study on Influence Factors of Paper Drying Characteristic Curve
CHEN Xiaobin*, WANG Yuhang, HE Yaohui, DONG Yunyuan, ZHENG Qifu, LI Jigeng and LIU Huanbin
The effects of fiber material, paper basis weight, pulp beating degree, pressing pressure and drying temperature on paper drying characteristic curve were researched in the study. The experimental results showed that: different fiber material and pulp beating degree had little influence on the paper drying characteristic curve, but pulp beating degree affected the initial moisture content of paper drying, the higher pulp beating degree, the higher the initial moisture content was. Paper basis weight had obvious influence on paper drying characteristic curve because of its positive corrilation with paper thickness, the greater the paper basis weight, the harder it was to dry. Pressing pressure not only affected the paper initial moisture content, but also accelerated the drying process. The possible reason was that after the paper was pressed, part of the capillary water which is difficult to dry changed to free water which is easy to dry. Because of the coupling process of heat and mass transfer in paper drying, the higher drying temperature, the greater heat and mass transfer power, and the easier drying occurs.
[Abstract] [PDF]

Research on Re-extraction Algorithm of Paper Defect Characteristics Based on PCA
WANG Siqi*, ZHOU Qiang and TIAN Xingzhi
Because of the low accuracy in identification of similar paper defects in traditional paper defect detection and the slow running speed of the system caused by high feature dimension extraction, a PCA-based paper defect feature re-extraction algorithm was proposed. This method took various paper defect images as the research object, PCA was adoped to deal with the dimension reduction of high-dimensional original features that may have correlations and remove their related components so as to form new defect features which were indepen-dent and more representative, so that the data processing amount was reduced. At the same time, the identification accuracy of paper defects could be significantly improved. Experiments showed that the algorithm could significantly improve the accuracy of paper defect identification and the average running time of the system was greatly shortened.
[Abstract] [PDF]

Oxygen and Water Vapor Barrier Properties of Nanocellulose Materials: A Review
LUO Jiaqian, SU Yanqun*, LIU Jingang and LI Qun
Nanocellulose is a plant-based environmentally friendly nanomaterials with high crystallinity, high strength and other properties, which can form a dense network structure that blocks the transmission of molecules and has the potential to be a green barrier packaging material. In this paper, the oxygen and water vapor barrier properties of nano-cellulosic materials are elaborated from three different application forms including nanocellulose films, nanocellulose composite materials and paper-based material coated with nanocellulose.
[Abstract] [PDF]

Research Progress in Preparation and Application of Poly(lactic acid)-Nanocellulose Composite Films
ZHANG Meng, JI Jiayu, FAN Li and LIU Pengtao*
Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) is a green polymer which has abundant sources of raw materials, and can be biodegraded completely by organisms. Meanwhile, poly(lactic acid) has good mechanical properties and physical properties, and it is easy to be processed into films. Nanocellulose (NC) is a kind of natural renewable resource with rich sources. Its mechanical strength and stiffness are very high. Nanocellulose can be used to increase the mechanical properties of poly(lactic acid) films, and the composite films have a wide range of applications and development prospects in various fields. But poly(lactic acid) is a hydrophobic material, nanocellulose is a hydrophilic material, and the mechanical properties of the films will be influenced by their poor interfacial compatibility. In this paper, the preparation methods and applications of poly(lactic acid)-nanocellulose composite films and the methods to improve their interfacial compatibility were summarized.
[Abstract] [PDF]

The Combination of Biorefinery with Pulp and Paper Industry
CHEN Liqing
The development and application of biorefinery technology is the change and innovation of traditional pulp and paper industry, and is essential for the sustainable development of the pulp and paper industry. This paper mainly introduces the pulp and paper biomass refining technologies, including the extraction and comprehensive utilization of hemicelluloses, highvalue utilization of cellulose, the separation, purification and utilization of lignin in black liquor, black liquor gasification, etc.
[Abstract] [PDF]

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