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首页 >> 中国造纸杂志社 >> 中国造纸 >> 目录 >> 《中国造纸》2010年第06期中英文目次
磁性纸的制备及表征………………………………………龙 柱 李海峰 杨 欣 等(1)
内燃机用阻燃型空气过滤纸的研制………………………杨 军 梁 云 徐桂龙 等(6)
………………………………………………………………吴淑芳 尤纪雪 叶汉玲 等(10)
木聚糖酶对混合杨木APMP浆滤水性能的影响…………吴 芹 陈嘉川 杨桂花 等(14)
载银抗菌沸石对涂布抗菌纸性能的影响…………………杨 飞 陈克复 杨仁党 等(19)
包覆型GCC的制备及其对加填纸张性能的影响………………………武慧妍 张宏伟(24)
………………………………………………………………沈一丁 王 璐 杨晓武 等(28)
废纸脱墨浆生产新闻纸水循环系统中DCS的分析………张凤山 李 超 李立波 等(33)
非木材原料碱法蒸煮过程中甲醇的发生量………………………………刘秋娟 刘海学(38)
木质素的胺化改性…………………………………………王晓红 马玉花 刘 静 等(42)
生物转化的棉秆制浆废水对番茄生长的影响……………杨宗政 刘 忠 邱 瑾 等(46)
造纸废水污泥处理系统稳定性的控制措施………………………………唐国民 黄 钊(50)
纸病监测系统在卷烟纸机上的应用…………………………………………………佟 彤(53)
进口复卷机的改造与调试………………………………………裴延春 卢立秀 郭同安(56)
含高得率浆高级纸中荧光增白剂增白效率的研究进展…张红杰 胡惠仁 何志斌 等(62)
加强制浆生产管理 提高纸浆产量与质量………………Dinesh Chand Mohta 张家喜(68)
纸机引纸系统优化……………………………………………………………………傅 晓(71)
闭式循环机组在防止真空泵结垢中的应用……………………刘 扬 宋士福 崔劭炜(75)
·消  息·
广告目次 …………………………………(78)
· Peer Reviewed Papers ·
Preparation and Characterization of Magnetic Paper
………………………………………………LONG Zhu LI Hai-feng YANG Xin et al (1)
Preparation of the Fireretardant Air Filter Paper for Internal Combustion Engine
…………………………………………YANG Jun LIANG Yun XU Gui-long  et al (6)
Study on Laccase/xylanase System Pretreatment in Pinus Massoniana Kraft Pulp Bleaching……………………WU Shu-fang YOU Jixue YE Hanling et al (10)
Improvement of Drainability of Poplar APMP Pulp by Xylanase Treatment
……………………………………WU Qin CHEN Jia-chuan YANG Gui-hua et al (14)
Effect of Silverdoped Zeolite on Physical Properties of Antibacterial Coated Paper……………………………YANG Fei CHEN Ke-fu YANG Ren-dang et al (19)
Preparation of Coated GCC and Its Effect on the Property of Paper
…………………………………………………………WU Hui-yan ZHANG Hong-wei (24)
Study on the Preparation of Cationic Surface Sizing Agent of Polyurethane/Polyacrylate Composite Emulsion with Core-shell Structure
……………………………………SHEN Yi-ding WANG Lu YANG Xiao-wu  et al (28)
Characterization of DCS in Water Circulation System of a Recycled Fiber Based Newsprint Mill……………………………ZHANG Feng-shan LI Chao LI Li-bo  et al (33)
Methanol Formation during Alkaline Pulping of Nonwood Fiber Raw Materials……………………………………………………LIU Qiu-juan LIU Hai-xue (38)
Aminating Modification of Lignin…WANG Xiao-hong MA Yu-hua LIU Jing  et al (42)
Effects of the Bioconverted Cotton Stalk Pulping Waste Liquor on the Growth of Tomatoes………………………………YANG Zongzheng LIU Zhong QIU Jin et al (46)
· Articles ·
Stability Control Measurement of the Sludge of Waste Water Treatment System in Papermaking Mills………………………………………………TANG Guo-min HUANG Zhao (50)
Application of a Web Inspection System (WIS) in a Cigarette Paper Machine
………………………………………………………………………………… TONG Tong (53)
Rebuilding and Commissioning of an Imported Rewinder
………………………………………………PEI Yan-chun LU Li-xiu GUO Tong-an (56)
Experience of the Erection of ANDRITZ High Consistency Refiner
………………………………………………………………………………MENG Xian-Li (60)
· Forum ·
New Advances on the Brightening Efficiency of Optical Brightening Agent (OBA) in HYPcontaining Fine Papers………ZHANG Hong-jie HU Hui-ren HE Zhi-bin  et al (62)
Managing Fiber Lines for Improved Output and Quality Dinesh Chand Mohta
………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Jia-xi(68)
Optimization of Tail Threading System…………………………………………FU Xiao (71)
· Production Trials ·
Application of the Closed Circulation Assembly in Protecting the Vacuum Pump from Scale…………………………………………LIU Yang SONG Shi-fu CUI Shao-wei (75)
· Others ·
Advertisers Index(78)
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