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首页 >> 中国造纸杂志社 >> 中国造纸 >> 目录 >> 《中国造纸》2010年第02期中英文目次
芳纶1313浆粕结构形态及其对成纸性能的影响………………赵会芳  张美云  路金杯(1)
聚乙烯亚胺乳化型AKD乳液的制备及施胶性能的研究…陈夫山  王尚玲  王松林 等(6)
木薯淀粉接枝含氟单体合成纸张施胶剂的研究…………殷国栋  朱红祥  白云霞 等(10)
CaCO3-细小纤维复合填料对纸张物理性能的影响………冯  春  陈  港  柴欣生 等(14)
温石棉细小纤维性能及其对石棉胶乳抄取板质量的影响………………夏新兴  成艳娜(18)
荧光增白剂与填料的相互作用对纸张光学性能的影响………刘洪斌  宋  微  董荣业(22)
利用高得率浆制浆废液改善OCC纸浆的物理性能…………张继颖  胡惠仁  吴严亮(25)
氮铈共掺杂介孔TiO2的制备及在造纸废水处理中的应用……章晓彤  周国伟  白光伟(28)
混凝-生化-混凝组合工艺处理造纸中段废水的研究………刘卫海  曹金艳  石  岩 等(32)
用混凝及污泥回流处理二沉池出水的研究………………张海洋  庞金钊  杨宗政 等(35)
延长P-RC APMP高浓磨机械密封寿命的有效途径……………………………周乐才(44)
超级压光机主传动速度跌落控制的探讨………………………………张耀友  孟彦京(48)
功能性添加剂在卷烟纸上应用的研究进展…………………余振华  李姗姗  沈靖轩 等(57)
《中国造纸》2009年发表文章述评………………………………………………马  忻(69)
改进后的浅层气浮-百乐克工艺处理造纸废水……………………时鹏辉  吴俊峰(75)
·简    报·
乙醇超声法提取二氢槲皮素工艺优化……………………马春慧  李  伟  孙  震 等(78)
· Peer Reviewed Papers ·
Configuration of PMIA-pulp and Its Effect on Aramid Paper…………………………ZHAO Hui-fang  ZHANG Mei-yun  LU Jin-bei(1)
AKD Emulsified with Polyethyleneimine and Its Sizing Performance……………CHEN Fu-shan  WANG Shang-ling  WANG Song-lin et al(6)
Synthesis of Sizing Agent with Cassava Starch and Fluorinated Acrylate Monomer…………………YIN  Guo-dong  ZHU Hong-xiang  BAI Yun-xia et al(10)
Effect of CaCO3-fiber Fines Composite Fillers on the Paper Properties……………………FENG Chun  CHEN Gang  CHAI Xin-sheng et al(14)
The Influences of Refined Longer Fibers and Fines on Tensile Strength of the Asbestos Sheet…………………………………………XIA Xin-xing  CHENG Yan-na(18)
Effect of Interaction between OBA and PCC Fillers on the Optical Properties of Paper…………………………LIU Hong-bin  SONG Wei  DONG Rong-ye(22)
Improvement of the Properties of OCC Pulp by Using HYP Pulping Waste Liquor…………………………ZHANG Ji-ying  HU Hui-ren  WU Yan-liang(25)
Preparation of N, Ce Co-doping Mesoporous TiO2 and Its Application in Papermaking Wastewater Treatment ……………………………………ZHANG Xiao-tong 
ZHOU Guo-wei  BAI Guang-wei(28)
Treatment of the Wastewater from Washing and Bleaching by Physicochemical and Biochemical Process …………………LIU Wei-hai  CAO Jin-yan  SHI Yan et al(32)
Treatment of Effluent from Secondary Sedimentation Pool by Coagulation and Sludge Returning Method ……………………………ZHANG Hai-yang  PANG Jin-zhao  YANG Zong-zheng et al(35)
· Articales ·
Introduction of Ventilation Design of Paper Machine Running……………………ZHANG Xiao-yun(38)
The Effective Way to Extend the Life of Mechanical Seal for High Consistency Refiner of P-RC   APMP Production Line……………………ZHOU Le-cai(44)
Discussion on Supercalender Velocity Drop Control of Main Drive……………………………………ZHANG Yao-you  MENG Yan-jing(48)
The Principle and Application of the Impact Mill for Recovered Lime Mud as PCC……………………………………………………WANG Ya-shuang(51)
Reconstruction of Burning System of the High Concentration odor in Guangxi Nanning Phoenix  Pulp & Paper Co.……………………XU Xiao-feng(54)
· Forum ·
Research Progress in the Application of Functional Additives in Cigarette Paper…………………YU Zhen-hua  LI Shan-shan  SHEN Jing-xuan et al(57)
The Problem Caused by Microorganisms in Paper Machine System and Its Control……………………………JIN Xing-ming(61)
· Production Trials ·
Papermaking Wastewater Treatment by Shallow Air Flotation and Modified Biolak Process…………………………………………SHI Peng-hui  WU Jun-feng(75)
· Brief ·
Optimizing Extraction Technology of  Dihyroquercetin from Larch Wood by Ethanol Pretreatment before Pulping ………………MA Chun-hui  LI Wei  SUN Zhen et al(78)
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