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首页 >> 中国造纸杂志社 >> 国际造纸 >> 目录 >> 《Paper and Biomaterials》2019年第1期目次

Original Articles

Wet Pressing Models to Reduce Energy Consumption in Papermaking
   J. David McDonald1,*, Richard J. Kerekes2 and Joe R. Zhao3
   2019(1):1-6 [Abstract(62)]  [View PDF 2.77 M (61)]
Comparative Study of Isolated Polysaccharides from Triploid Poplar Using Different Solvents and Chemicals
   YingYing Chai1, Ning Zhao1, YunShan Ju1, QingTao Fan2 and Kun Wang1,*
   2019(1):7-16 [Abstract(147)]  [View PDF 4.46 M (36)]
Manufacturing of High-efficiency Air Filter Paper Using Ultra-fine Fibers
   Yong-Chil Ro, Yong-Il Ri* and Guang-Jin Jong
   2019(1):17-22 [Abstract(34)]  [View PDF 5.13 M (35)]
Preparation of Electrospun PVDF Nanofiber Composite Filter Medium and Its Application in Air Filtration
   Qi Du1,2, Na Wang1,2, Wen Liu1,2, XueFeng Chen1,2, Yue Xu1,2 and Ying Wan1,2
   2019(1):23-30 [Abstract(156)]  [View PDF 9.41 M (42)]
Evaluation and Optimization of Old Magzines Deinking Process of a Modified Lignin Sulfonates Deinking Agent
   ShuBin Wu*, SiJia Chen and YuanYuan Zhao
   2019(1):31-39 [Abstract(28)]  [View PDF 2.11 M (32)]
Design Method of Curved-bar Refining Plates for Disc Refiner
   Huan Liu1, JiXian Dong1,2,*, XiYa Guo1,3, RuiFan Yang1, Hui Jing1 and XiaoJun Jiang4
   2019(1):40-47 [Abstract(36)]  [View PDF 11.42 M (45)]
A Principle of Producing Multi-ply Paper Using a Wire in an Inclined Wire Machine
   Song-Il Pak, Yong-Il Ri* and Chol-Ho Kim
   2019(1):48-56 [Abstract(31)]  [View PDF 2.41 M (32)]


Status, Prospects & Perspectives of Indian Paper Industry
   Rakesh Kumar Jain and Vikas Kumar
   2019(1):57-64 [Abstract(38)]  [View PDF 1.50 M (39)]
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